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BEM Methodology

The BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) methodology is a naming convention for CSS classes that helps you build web interfaces in a more organized, reusable, and maintainable way. Created by the team at Yandex, BEM makes it easier to develop reusable components and maintain clear, scalable code.

The BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) methodology is a naming convention for CSS classes that helps you build web interfaces in a more organized, reusable, and maintainable way. Created by the team at Yandex, BEM makes it easier to develop reusable components and maintain clear, scalable code.

BEM Principles

  1. Block:A block is an independent entity that represents a fundamental component of the interface. Think of it as a container for a specific piece of functionality, like a button, a menu, or a header.Example: .button, .menu, .header

  2. Element:An element is a part of a block that doesn’t make sense on its own. It’s a subordinate component within a block. Example: .button__icon, .menu__item, .header__title

  3. Modifier:A modifier is a flag on a block or element. It changes the appearance or behavior of that block or element.Example: .button—primary, .menu__item—active, .header—large

Benefits of BEM

  1. Clarity and Consistency:BEM’s naming conventions provide a clear and consistent structure, making the code easy to read and understand, which is particularly useful in large teams.

  2. Reusability:Blocks and elements defined with BEM can be easily reused throughout the project, reducing code duplication and promoting modular development.

  3. Maintainability:Following BEM makes CSS easier to maintain. Developers can quickly locate the code related to a specific component and make changes without affecting other parts.

  4. Scalability:BEM is perfect for projects of any size, but it shines in large, complex projects. Its modular, clear structure supports scalability and growth without cluttering the code.

  5. Collaboration:BEM’s standardized naming improves collaboration between developers and designers. Everyone can understand and work with the code more efficiently.

Example of BEM in HTML and CSS


<div class="menu">
  <ul class="menu__list> 
    <li class="menu__item menu__item-active>Home</li>
    <li class="menu__item>About</li>
    <li class="menu__item>Contact</li>


.menu {
  /*Styles for the menu block*/
.menu__list {
  /*Styles for the list element within the menu block*/
.menu__Item {
  /*Styles for the item element within the menu block*/
.menu__Item--active {
  /*Styles for the active modifier applied to the item element*/

Benefits When Developing a Product

  1. Name Conflict Reduction:BEM minimizes name conflicts in CSS by providing a clear convention for naming blocks, elements, and modifiers.

  2. Componentization:Allows developers to break the interface into independent, reusable components, making maintenance and updates easier.

  3. Performance Improvement:Facilitates selective loading of styles and components, enhancing page performance.

  4. Ease of Refactoring:The clear structure of BEM makes code refactoring simpler and safer since changes to one component don’t affect others.

  5. Agile Development:BEM supports agile methodologies by enabling rapid iteration and improvement of components, aligning with continuous development and delivery cycles.

Additional Resources

For a deeper dive into BEM, check out these resources:

BEM Official Documentation
CSS-Tricks on BEM
Smashing Magazine on BEM
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